General Terms and Conditions and Terms of Use for website

1. Scope of application, changes to the terms of use

1.1 These terms of use apply to and regulate the use of all content and services offered by Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH on the website (hereinafter referred to as „online services“), unless separate and/or supplementary terms apply or are agreed in individual cases. The manner of use, by means of computer, mobile devices and/or other hardware and/or software shall not affect the validity of the terms of use.
1.2 By using and its online services, the user confirms that he/she has taken note of the following terms of use and that he/she agrees to the terms of use as amended from time to time.
1.3 Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH reserves the right to change the terms of use at any time. In this case, further use shall be deemed to constitute acknowledgement of and consent to the changes to the Terms of Use.


2.1 Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH does not assume any liability for the authenticity, correctness and completeness of the information provided on a, Any liability for direct, indirect or other damages arising from the use or non-availability of the data and information on this website is – as far as legally possible – excluded. All information provided on this website as well as any links to external websites have been prepared to the best of our knowledge and checked with the greatest possible care. However, no liability can be assumed that all information is complete, correct and up-to-date at all times.
2.2 Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH is not liable for content (e.g. through banners, external links, etc.) that is placed on its online services and thus disseminated, nor for any damages that may arise from this. Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH is only liable for those damages that it has caused intentionally or through gross negligence. This includes all announcements, offers and advertising messages. A transfer into own frames is not permitted.
2.3 Insofar as users visit linked websites, Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH assumes no responsibility whatsoever, neither for the content (e.g. content that violates legal provisions or morality, or content that is incorrect or incomplete) of this website, nor for damages resulting from the use of linked information. If users conclude a legal transaction with the operators of a linked website, contractual relationships shall be established exclusively between the users and the providers of this linked website.
2.4 Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH shall not be liable for the continuous, complete and error-free availability of the online services, in particular due to errors, delays or interruptions in transmission, malfunctions, delays and/or interruptions of the online services and/or lack of complete, up-to-date availability of the online services, loss or deletion, viruses, misuse, up-to-dateness of data. The exclusion of liability further includes any liability for claims arising from business interruption, loss of data and/or information, failure of data processing equipment, loss of profit and consequential and/or financial loss. All limitations of liability do not apply in the case of personal injury to consumers.
2.5 These limitations and exclusions of liability apply to the entire Wiener Zeitung Mediengruppe, i.e. also to Wiener Zeitung GmbH and the companies affiliated with Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH.
2.6 The use of the online services is at the user’s own risk. This applies in particular, but not exclusively, to downloading or other use of content. Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness and reliability of the information and data available within the scope of online services.
2.7 The creation of the respective technical requirements for the use of the online services is the sole responsibility of the users. Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH does not guarantee that the online services will work error-free on the required hardware and/or software at all times.
2.8 Cooperation partners of do not guarantee the completeness and correctness of their own blog contributions and all blog content checked by them. A liability of the cooperation partners is excluded, as far as liability exclusions are permissible.
2.9. is not a professional information product and legal service. Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH, the internal editors and the internal authors of the individual blog posts do not assume any liability for the completeness and correctness of the content of the award blog. Any liability of Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH and the internal authors of the individual blog comments is excluded, insofar as liability exclusions are permissible.
2.10. Contributions and contents do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH. Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH reserves the right to delete and block access to illegal content, content that is contrary to morality or otherwise contrary to the reputation of Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH if it becomes aware of such content; in this case, no claims can be made against Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH. Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH explicitly reserves the right to assert claims for damages and to file criminal charges in case of relevant facts. In any case, the authors shall fully indemnify and hold harmless Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH.

3. Rights and obligations of the users

Users of the online services may not use the contributions and content, in particular, in connection with surveys, contests, pyramid schemes, chain letters, junk mail, mass mailings and/or unsolicited messages, etc., whether of a commercial or other nature.

4. Privacy policy

Data processing is carried out on the basis of and within the framework of the privacy policy, which in this respect forms an integral part of the terms of use.

5.1 Copyrights and other intellectual property rights exist in all retrievable texts, images, files, graphics, logos / trademarks, design, etc.. Their use is therefore only permitted within the framework of contractual and/or legal provisions. Furthermore, they may not be used commercially, printed, copied, modified or used in any other way. Further dissemination is generally prohibited and only permitted in exceptional cases upon request and after explicit written approval by Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH or the rights holders.
5.2 The event contributions contained in the event calendar include illustrations or photographs. The rights to these works belong to the respective cooperation partner or event organizer, who has permitted Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH to publish the illustrations or photographs in the event calendar for the purpose of advertising the event.

6. Final provisions

6.1 For the sake of better readability, the present Terms of Use and the documents mentioned, which form an integral part thereof, refrain from using gender-specific formulations. Insofar as personal terms are only used in the masculine form, they refer to men and women in the same way.
6.2 If any provision of these Terms of Use is or becomes invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of these Terms of Use. In place of the invalid provisions in question, those provisions shall apply which come closest to the economic purpose of these Terms of Use but are not invalid.
6.3 The Terms of Use and all legal disputes arising from the relationship between users and Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH shall be governed by Austrian substantive law. The rules of international private law and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply.
6.4 For all legal disputes between the users and Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH in connection with the use of the online services, the court with subject-matter jurisdiction for the first district of Vienna pursuant to § 104 jurisdiction standard shall be the exclusively agreed place of jurisdiction, unless mandatory provisions of the Consumer Protection Act conflict with this.
6.5 Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH reserves the right to discontinue at any time without prior notice if, for technical, organizational or legal reasons, proper provision of the content cannot be guaranteed. Claims for the users do not arise from this, neither against Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH nor against the cooperation partners. links to the platforms

The respective GTCs and terms of use of these platforms available there apply.

Version August 2024