Privacy policy Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH –

With this privacy policy we inform you regarding the processing of personal data on

The English version of the privacy policy is for information purposes only. In case of conflicting information, the German version always prevails.

If in the following, reference is made to given consent, this implies that you have given valid consent to the processing of your data. If you have not given your consent, no data processing will be carried out in respect to your person.
You will receive information in this privacy policy about:

  • who is responsible for the processing of your personal data including information on how to contact us;
  • which categories of personal data are processed, the sources of this data, the purposes for which the data is required or processed and the legal basis for processing your data;
  • to whom we transmit personal data or who processes personal data on our behalf;
  • how long personal data will be stored for;
  • which rights you are entitled to based on the provisions of data protection law and how you can invoke these rights.

Responsible person and contact details

The entity responsible for processing your personal data is the Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH, Maria-Jacobi-Gasse 1, 1030 Vienna. For questions regarding data protection, please contact our data protection officer via e-mail at

Scope of application

Our privacy policy relates to the website and the processing of personal data in connection to the services of
Personal data is processed for the following purposes:


For the purposes of regular information about current contributions on, we are offering the possibility of subscribing to our newsletter free of charge (this offer can be accepted until revoked by the person responsible). In connection with the subscription to the newsletter, your first name, last name and e-mail address will be requested.

Cooperation partners

In the scope of cooperation agreements with external partners, personal data is processed, which is collected during the conclusion of a contract or processed for the implementation of pre-contractual measures prior to the conclusion of a contract.

Categories of data, purpose and legal basis of processing


For the purpose of receiving our newsletter, which you may subscribe to at your own request, the e-mail address you provide will be processed. Entering first name, last name and e-mail address of a third party requires their express consent to receive the newsletter. The purpose of this data processing is thus to send the newsletter to your e-mail address. The processing of data for sending the newsletter is carried out on the legal basis of the performance of the contract concluded with you. You can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time upon receipt of the same.

Transferee/external service provider

In connection with the receipt of our newsletter, we use the services of an external service provider (SENDINBLUE Brevo 75008 Paris, France), which processes the data on our behalf in accordance with applicable law.

Cooperation partners

The processing of personal data in the context of cooperation agreements takes place on the basis of the fulfillment of the contract with the cooperation partner or in advance for the implementation of pre-contractual measures.

Storage period


Your personal data will be stored until you unsubscribe from the newsletter; after unsubscribing, your data will be deleted immediately.

Cooperation partners

Data of cooperation partners will be deleted at the latest after the expiry of seven years from the date of termination of the contract.

Data subject rights

Based on privacy protection regulations, you, as the person subject to processing, are granted the following rights:

Right to information

Upon request, we will provide you with information free of charge about the scope, origin and recipient(s) of your data as well as the purpose of the processing of your data.

Right to correction

If, notwithstanding the greatest care, incorrect or incomplete data processing or data storage should occur, we will correct this immediately upon request.


Under certain circumstances, you are entitled to request the deletion of your personal data (for example, if data was collected unlawfully). If the legal requirements for the deletion of your data are met, we will comply with your request for deletion without delay.


You can also request a restriction of the processing of your data if you assert a deletion claim and if the deletion claim must first be checked for its lawfulness. In that case, your personal data may no longer be processed in the meantime (for the duration of the review of your deletion claim).


If processing of your data is based on the legal basis of a legitimate interest, you may object to it. If it concerns direct advertising, your objection has absolute effect. This means that no balancing of interests with regard to the superiority of legal interests takes place and your personal data may no longer be processed for direct advertising purposes.
Withdrawal of granted consent: Consent granted by you for the processing of your data for specific purposes may be withdrawn by you at any time.

Data transferability

If you wish to transfer the data you have disclosed to another controller, we will arrange for it to be made available to you in an electronically transferable format.
You can claim these rights by sending an e-mail to

If there are reasonable doubts about the identity, the submission of proof of identity may be required to ensure legally compliant processing of data subject requests (no unauthorized disclosure of personal data to third parties). In case of excessive assertion of data subject rights, we shall reserve the right to charge compensation for expenses.

Right of complaint to the data protection authority

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you have the opinion that the processing of your personal data is in violation of applicable law.

Modification of this privacy policy

The processing of your data is subject to the current version of this privacy policy, which can be accessed at any time on Should a revision or extension of the data protection declaration be made, we will inform you of the revision or extension accordingly or process your data only in accordance with the data protection declaration of which you are aware.

Status August 2024