
Aktuelles aus der und Vergabe-Welt

My search profile finds different results when conducting a new search. Why?

The upgrade of the search algorithm has modernised the core of our search. This has fundamentally changed the search behaviour – existing search profiles will inevitably deliver different (but correct) results. With our real-time preview, you can see at a glance what the hit emails of the past 28 days would have looked like based […]

What are search profiles?

A search profile enables you to choose which tenders you want to receive by using different search parameters. Among other things, you can set clients you are interested in, the location where an advertised contract is to be fulfilled and the type of advertised products or services you are interested in. If there are […]

How do I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription by writing to Wiener Zeitung Digitale Publikationen GmbH | auftrag.atMaria-Jacobi-Gasse 1, 1030 Wien, Media Quarter Marx 3.3 or via mail, if using a qualified digital signature. Please note that there is a three-month cancellation period for annual subscriptions. If you have a flexible subscription, you can cancel the contract in […]

What happens when the free trial period ends?

When your 30-day trial period ends, you will receive an email informing you that you will no longer receive any hit emails. To continue using the service, you must log in with your existing data and sign up for one of our four paid subscriptions. Your search profile from the test subscription will then be […]

How do I search for tenders during the free trial period?

During your free trial period, you can use all the features of search free of charge and without any further obligation for thirty days. Create a search profile and you will automatically receive the search results as a hit email into your mailbox each day. This enables you to keep track of all current […]

How can I try search free of charge?

When selecting your subscription, select the option "Start free trial period" and register as a user. Your subscription will be available immediately. You can use search for thirty days free of charge.

How do I purchase a subscription?

You can buy the subscription of your choice online at To do this, register as a new user and pay securely by credit card after selecting the subscription you want. Your subscription will be available immediately after purchase.

Is there a charge for search?

Yes, you must take out a paid subscription to use Different subscription models are available. There is also the option of a free four-week trial period without any further obligation, or you can use the Quicksearch function on the homepage, also free of charge.

What calls for tenders can I find with search? search scans all publications of tendering procedures that are published online in Austria and/or throughout the EU. It does not matter which platform is used for the tender. Please note: There are also award procedures, such as direct awards without notice, which are not published. These cannot be found via search.